Cleaning THE inhaler1

The inhaler should be cleaned once a week so that the medicine does not build up and block the spray. Suggest to your patients to mark this day in their calendar or put a reminder in their phones. To clean the inhaler, patients should follow the below steps:

1. The canister should be removed from the actuator and set aside; the canister should not be cleaned or get wet

2. Remove mouthpiece cover

3. Run warm water through the mouthpiece for 30 seconds and then through the top of the actuator for 30 seconds. Rinse for 60 seconds in total.

4. Shake off as much water as you can. Do not dry with a towel or tissue.

5. Look into the actuator and mouthpiece for medicine build-up. If there is any build-up, repeat steps 3 through 5.

6. Air-dry, preferably overnight. Do not put the canister back into the actuator if it is still wet.

7. When dry, replace the mouthpiece cover first and then gently press the canister down into the actuator.

8. Re-prime the inhaler by spraying 2 Test-puffs, shaking before each Test-puff.


The Trixeo Aerosphere inhaler comes in a foil pouch that contains a drying packet (desiccant)…


Before patients use Trixeo Aerosphere for the first time, they must prime the inhaler…


Remove the cap from the mouthpiece and shake the inhaler well before each use…